Thursday, November 24, 2011

'tis the Season

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  I hope that everyone takes a minute today to remember all of the things they are thankful for...  I know my list is abundant!

Now that it is officially time to start shopping the ads for Black Friday and I know that some of my family and friends are crazy enough to go out amongst the mobs, it's time to start compiling Laura's Wish List.  So far these are things that I know:

*Clothes - size 3T
*Shoes - size 7
*Panties - size 3T
*Jackets/Sweaters - size 3T-4T
*Fisher Price Camera
*Babies and their accessories
*Pillow Pets and baby Pillow Pets
*Pens, Pencils, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Paints
*Coloring Books, Paper
*Little People (Fisher Price toy)

She of course does not NEED any & definitely not all of that, but this is just a list of ideas of things that she likes and uses :)

In the spirit of Michael and I's "downsizing", we are not in NEED of anything.  We are finding so many things that at one time or another were "must-haves" and yet we haven't used them or whatever in years.  We are having a lot of fun going through old things & remembering why we thought we needed it and deciding that we no longer do.  It's been fun going through memories and all of that.

My "nother" dad went home this week so that he could enjoy Thanksgiving with the family!  But, this morning he went back to the hospital due to not being "all better" as we had hoped.  I'm sure that everything will be find & he'll be back in no time.  But, please keep praying.

Michael has thoroughly enjoyed his 3 days at UPS this week.  And is very excited by his 4 day weekend - I think it's awesome!  I'm so happy for him that he has enjoyed this job so much.  He also seems to be doing very well, so who knows, maybe they'll find a loophole to the rules & a need for keeping him.  Either way, we're thankful for this opportunity & thankful for the experiences it is bringing. 

I am counting down the days to our new office location & my very own office!!!  Trying to accomplish work in what seems like grand central station, is not as easy as one might think.

Now, to get ready to go to the home of the best in-laws ever and eat WWWAAAYYY too much food!  It will be ssssooooo yummy though! :)  I hope that everyone has a great day with their families!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The final countdown

Happy almost Thanksgiving!

Laura completed week #3 of school - she still loves it!  I love that when I pick her up and she starts telling me what she learned that day, it always included Jesus' love!  At school, this upcoming week, she will have a Thanksgiving "feast", so I get to have lunch and hang out with her for a little bit.  She is also preparing for her 1st Christmas program.  It will be on Saturday, 12/10 at 3:30 p.m. at the Scottsdale Worship Center (6508 E. Cactus Rd.).  Let us know if you'd like to join us :).  Laura got her 1st "injury" this week :(  She tripped and smacked her nose & mouth on the side of a chair (at home).  She was totally fine, but she's never had a bloody nose before or a bloody lip, so it broke my heart.  She was such a trooper though!!

Michael finally got to go in to work on Thursday & Friday!!  He ran a route and it makes him so happy! YAY!

I am so thankful for my job every day.  We are counting down to our big move.  I'm so excited to have my own office, where I can accomplish so much more without interruption!  I am thankful for my family and all my friends as well.  They have all shown me so much love and I look forward to many more opportunities to show them the same.

One of my "nother" dads fell this week and gave us a bit of a scare. He is ok and they are just monitoring him at this point, but he should be home for the holidays!  PTL.

My older brother and his family have had all sorts of "fun" in the last few weeks.  I am so thankful that they have begun to trust in the Lord to keep them going.  His father in law had heart surgery, their worship leader & their pastor both had heart surgery, my sister-in-law had a hysterectomy, and my brother got notice that his place of work is closing 11/30 and he will be out of a job.  He is starting to search now, so he is thankful for that chance.

We got the news that if our short sale doesn't go through by 2/1/12, our house will be up for auction.  We also got the news that the mortgage company approved our sale price, so now we are just waiting to hear from the buyer as to how long he's going to give us to move out.  We will be having another "everything must go" sale this weekend, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7am-noon.  Black Friday did really well for us a couple years ago, so we're hoping for the same experience this weekend!  Then the fun should begin!

Thank you for your thoughts & prayers as we go through this giant transition.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Woop Woop

Yet another wonderful week.

I've come to realize that even though I love my full glass, I tend to skip over the sad or bad things that happen... So we're going to start with that....

Last Monday, 10/31, one of my "grandmas" passed away.  Mary Elizabeth Foutz raised 2 wonderful boys and had 3 grandchildren, plus a ton of people that love her.  She will be very dearly missed by many.  Her funeral was Friday, 11/4, out doors and it was just lovely.  Her family had a chance to talk & mingle & share wonderful memories of the great woman that she was.

Now on to more "fun" things.....

Laura completed week #2 of going to school and she is just so excited to go every day and see her new friends and play and learn.  It makes me happy to know that I picked a place that she enjoys going. 

Michael had his first week of vacation LOL.  UPS did all that rush training and then let him have a week off.  They said that they would call early next week, so hopefully he will be back at work soon.

I didn't do anything super exciting this week.

We had our yard sale on Friday & Saturday and we did pretty well.  We are excited to see things going to homes where they will be loved or used and knowing that we will have that much less to pack & move.  We wanted to have a close out day on Sunday, but it rained off & on - it was so beautiful out!!  This was a great weekend to have a sale.  We are planning to do another one on Black Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because that proved profitable once before :).  Since we don't know where we are moving to yet and we just plain have to much "stuff" anyways, we've decided to get rid of almost everything that isn't a NECESSITY.  We know that it doesn't seem to make sense to pretty much anyone else, but it makes sense to the 2 of us.  This is something that we have talked about, discussed, pondered for a long time, so it's not a whim or just a silly idea.  So, please be positive, we know what we're doing.

We had "Thanksgiving" with my dad's family today.  It was so yummy!  As much as I love the food though, I always manage to eat too much.  Dad and Tammy will be in Montana for Thanksgiving, enjoying the snow & checking in on the status of their new house.  I'm so excited for them and can't wait to go visit between Thanksgiving & Christmas so that we can have a "white Christmas".

This week, Laura has school, Michael should hear from UPS, I have work and who knows what other fun adventures may come our way :)

We hope that everyone has a blessed week and we look forward to having one ourselves :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A week in the life.....

Well, hello again! 

It has been one full week without facebook - aaaahhhhh, so peaceful!  I miss seeing some of the pictures and hope that I haven't missed anything relevant or horribly important, but it's been so nice to not feel tied to the computer.

I still have my smartphone, but that will be gone within the next week or so.  It has been kinda handy to still have internet, but at the same time, I don't feel a need for it without facebook.

In the last week, Michael completed a week of training with UPS for his seasonal job.  From the outside looking in, they sure put A LOT of work and money into people they're going to ditch in 2 months....  I would think there should be a more cost effective way to make this happen.  Either way, I hope that he likes it & does well at it, because they said they will be looking to do "call backs" in a few months.  It seems to have really helped to put a 'lil pep in his step to have something to do during the day & to be "contributing".  That's the part that makes me happy :)

Laura went to Pre School for her first 2 days ever.  She absolutely loved it!  On Tuesday, they discussed forgiveness and they let her bring home her craft, even though everyone else had theirs hanging on the wall.  On Thursday, they called me to tell me that her tummy hurt.  It turned out to be nothing, but it still made me sad that I was not with her when she didn't feel good.  She has already told me that she's excited to go back this week!! There are not words for how blessed I feel with this little girl.  She is so wonderful!  On the first day, she took off to play with someone before hugging or kissing me, which made me sad, but at the same time, let me know that she would be just fine.  On the second day, we stopped outside the classroom for the hug & kiss part so that she couldn't run without one :)  Everyone at the school asks how many times she's been left with strangers like that, because they figure she must have been in order to be that well adjusted.  I tell them no, it's just God's way of telling me that this will be ok, even though it wasn't what I had planned for her.

I had another week of working at a company that blesses me abundantly.  First, they gave me an opportunity to make money in the first place & when Michael's income went away, they allowed me to be full time so that I could help fill the gap.  Then, we were surprised on Monday with a half day, a great lunch, a tour of the new building we'll be moving to and a bonus, just to tell us thanks for the work we do.  The new office is gorgeous & I can't wait until it's finished.  I will have my own office, which is something that I have very much needed, but we just don't fit where we are currently located.  The new office is a little bit further from home, but it is totally worth it!

We are still prepping for our Short Sale to conclude - whenever that may be.  We don't yet know where we are going, but we know that we are going much more simple.  We just plain have too much STUFF.

We will be having a HUGE yard sale this weekend, November 11, 12 & 13 from 6am-noon (or however long the buyers keep coming).  This will be a big step in helping us to get where we need to be as far as packing and purging.  If you have anything that you'd like to bring by or would like to hang out, welcome all.  Tell your friends and of course, feel free to shop, shop and shop some more in order to help us ditch a few unneeded things around here.  There will be baby stuff, clothes (adult & 'lil girl), kitchen table & 4 chairs, couch, loveseat, rocker/recliner, books (for adults & kids), toys, Christmas decorations, Avon products, knick knacks, tools, cabinets, patio table, 60" projection tv, dvd players and more......

I hope that everyone has a great week!