Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jury Duty

What a better way to spend my time at Jury Duty, than to sit here & reflect, think & write about it ;)

We have been crazy busy!  And that's an understatement.

I got Michael some hours at my office printing fliers, plus he's been doing photos in the evening, plus there's been weekend events that he's had to work, plus we have a 3 year old.

I have been working in the office, plus working photos at night, plus assisting at some classes, plus weekend events, plus I share that 3 year old.

Laura has been adjusting/coping with us being so stinking busy & I couldn't be more thankful that we have so many people that love her (& us) enough to play with her while we've been so busy.  I am so blessed to have such great family & friends that love her almost as much as we do so that she is never a burden or a bother when she's with them.

On a more detailed note.....

Michael is tired of being unemployed.  He wants some security and to know his schedule, rather than last minute phone calls from me - "Hey, you're working here next week."  He is blessed to have hours & to be helping with the income, but would like to find his "direction".  He reminds me every day, though, how blessed I am to have such a great husband!  He loves our daughter!  I know that sounds like it should be a simple, no brainer - duh, he's her dad kind of sentence.  But, it's not.  In my work & just around, I see so many "sperm donors" and I would call them dad's or father's, except they were literally only usefull for the creation of their child & past that, they're absent or mean or so many other versions of that.  Michael is so in love with being a dad.  He treats Laura like she's a blessing & a gift, not a responsibility.  He's woried about how much he's been away from her in the last few weeks. He's always sure to have her best interest in the forefront of his mind - it's just so awesome.  But, then again, it just reminds me how awesome God is & that he had everything planned from the beginning.  As much as I love kids & have wanted to be a mom since I was young, He knew that I needed a man that would feel the same way.  He knew that I wouldn't fare well with someone that didn't see this adventure (parenthood) as the greatest gift & blessing one can receive (here on earth).

Laura is definitely feeling the effects of moving & us working craziness & all the different babysitters & changes in schedule.  She has always been such a resilient child, that we didn't realize how much all of this stuff would effect her.  She has started having nightmares & not sleeping well :(  This is the most heart breaking thing to watch her cry uncontrollably & there's nothing I can do, but hug her & tell her I love her.  Then between being tired & never knowing exactly when we'll be picking her up or what's going on, she has started screaming "don't leave me" "i want my mommy" every time we take her to daycare & even sometimes when we take her to grandma's or other familiar places :(  She just breaks my heart.  We have had some opportunities these last few days to be with her though and she has LOVED being able to spend that time with us.  Our crazy schedule is about to slow down & that will make things much better.  Last week, Laura was able to participate in her first karate belt testing - her instructor said that she did awesome & was the best in her group, despite being the youngest in the entire class (YCOA doesn't register students under 4 years old, but her instructor made an exception for her/me).  She also participated in her first colored pom tryout (kind of the same concept, but more for show than anything else) & her instructor said that she did a great job & earned her next pom.  I think it's important for her to earn her way & not just be handed things because she's cute or whatever.  Tomorrow, she gets to perform in her 1st Cheer Competition!  I'm so excited & nervous for her!!  She loves doing cheer with her Mee-rissa and Coach Rikki, but she's never stood in a gym with several hundred people staring at her....  I'm sure she'll be fine, but I can't help but jitter for her a little :)

I am....  Me...  I role with whatever's handed to me & always hope for the best :)  So, far, so good :)  I'm ready for our schedule to slow down some so that I can spend some time with my family.  I miss that quality time that we used to encounter every now & then :/  On an incredibly positive note -- I had to schedule a procedure for the dr to help with my female problems and litereally on the same day that I scheduled the appointment, my problems, just magicly dissappeared & I got to cancel that procedure!!!!!  Now, I just hope that the issues stay away & I can be "normal" for a bit.

It is now the next weekend.  We got dismissed from Jury Duty & this is the first chance that I have gotten back to the computer :(  I actually enjoyed Jury Duty.  For someone with such a crazy schedule, it was so nice to go sit in a room and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for a few hours!!!!  I was a little sad to not to get be a part of the judicial system, but at the same time, glad that I could do nothing for a bit.  So this may start to seem a little scattered, but that's because I have so many things that I feel like I haven't gotten to share & because my original train of thought was interrupted.  But, oh well :)

Laura competed in her Cheer Competition & didn't seem to notice the FULL GYM staring at her & OOing & AWing over how cute she is.  She did a great job (for most of it & especially for being a 3 year old)!  Her team got 3rd place, but all she knows is that she got a medal & a trophy and she thinks that's pretty awesome!  Michael posted some pics on his facebook.  She also had her Cheer parents' night, where she performed for a hundred or so people & again, did great!  She received her medal for attendance & her new colored pom for passing her test.  Today, she had her Karate parents' night, where she showed the things that she had to complete for her test in order to get her Yellow belt with a White stripe (this means she skipped the solid yellow belt and got the next rank up).  She must have done AWESOME on her test, just like her sensei told me she did.  During this performance she was very distracted & being silly & not really paying attention, but everyone still thought she was so cute!

Michael's schedule has significantly tamed down - YAY!  and he is loving the time that he is getting to spend with Laura.  Right now they are "secretly" making me Mother's Day gift in the other room while I get to sit & chill on the couch :)  My schedule has slowed a little, but not as much as his.  But, I gotta do, what I gotta do :)

I think I'm done blabbing for now, but I'll try to come back soon :)  I hope that everyone is having a great day & HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to everyone that fills that role, especially those that set the example for me!

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