Hello! Happy Birthday Jesus (yesterday)! Let's see... Where to begin???? Again, a busy couple of weeks....
Laura is the best! I enjoyed her Christmas Party at school. I have loved preparing her for my favorite holiday of the year. Leading up to Christmas, we talked so much about the baby Jesus and how much He loves her and we talked about the nativity - we have a grown up one next to our tree & she has a kid one next to ours. She loves asking who each of the people is and telling us that "Jesus Christ is born". Last year she even got a book that talks about the scene in a way that's understandable for a 2 year old that we have read a couple times. I can't believe that she is just 74 days away from being 3 years old!!! She's growing up so fast and proves it every day in the things she says & does. I would like to find the pause button so that I can just keep her a little longer :) I am so grateful for every moment I have for her, but I would still like a million more! I just love her to pieces.
Michael is done at UPS for the season, but we are hoping to hear back from them in February or March. But, Cigna called and did a phone interview with him, and the USPS is having him in for a driving assessment. I can't wait to see what pans out for him and to see what path God leads him down.
I am so excited for my YCOA move this week!!!! I have never had my own office & I ssssoooo need one in order to effectively get more work done. I am still having female problems. I went in to see the doctor and he checked a few things & ruled them out, but in the spirit of trying not to run me bankrupt (since I don't have insurance and am paying cash), he didn't run all of the tests that he could have. He did write me a new prescription and gave me 10 days for it to work. If it doesn't work in that time, he said that we'll need to start doing more tests & more things that will cost more money :( Not only for the money thing, but also just because I would like for this to stop, I really hope that the meds work. I am continuing to pray for this and hoping that God's plan is for some sanity to kick in :) I am still struggling with my church decision, but praying for a lead in one direction or another and knowing that God is in control. We are still making sure to tell Laura how awesome God is and how great His love is for us and teaching her as much as we can - one more reason we're so thankful for her school.
Our house situation is in a new form of limbo..... Our buyer backed out after they did their final inspection. Our awesome realtor told another investor about our house though & he came & checked it out and made us a new offer on the same day that the other buyer backed out. We have resubmitted the paperwork and are waitting for the bank to do its thing. Again. Our house is scheduled for auction in February, if we don't complete a short sale before then. I have faith in God that he has a path in mind for us. Now, we just need to find the GPS that will lead us to the right path :)
Before I start with our weekend festivities, let me state that JESUS is the ONLY "reason" we have CHRISTmas. That's really all there is to it. On Christmas Eve, we had dinner with my dad, Tammy, Mikey, B, Noah, Micah & my grandparents. It was very nice. On the morning that we have been waitting so patiently for, I opened Laura's door & she came running out to see a pile of presents under the tree and screams "a bird, Santa brought me a bird" - talking about a large stuffed bird that was brought to her and too big to wrap. She could care less about the new bike that I have been dying to give her.... It took her about 20 minutes before she even noticed it, let alone was excited about it - HAHAHAHA. After a bit, my mom, Jess, Mikey, B, Noah, Micah and Angie came over to have breakfast and open more presents. Laura loved it!! From there, we went to the greatest in-laws' ever to have dinner and visit and open more gifts. Laura loves getting to see all her cousins, aunts & uncles and grandparents. She got to hang out with grandparents Kenan, Aunt Pat, Aunt Kathy, Cousins Kristen & Eric, Aunt Beth, Uncle David, Cousins Alyssa & Annie, Uncle Pat, Aunt Carmel and Cousin Aiden. She has hit the family jackpot!!! She also got so many gifts that she loves so much! Then we stopped by Ama & Papa's house (Mikalyn's grandparents) to see them & Anty M, Uncle Sean & Mimi. That was very nice - great people that I don't get to see nearly often enough :( Today, we went to a movie. I was wrong about whether or not she'd like it, but she did pretty good until she took a nap :) Then we had Anty M, Uncle Sean, Mimi, Anty Sarah, Uncle Justin, Meerissa and Bubba over for pizza, dessert and gifts - I just love having all these kids together to play. Laura is just so blessed by all of the people in her life.
For this week, we have something weighing heavy on our hearts. Please help us pray for Michael's dad. He is having surgery on Tuesday to clear the blockage in his caratoid artery. We praying for the doctors to feel God's hands performing the surgery and for Larry to have many more HEALTHY years with us. We are grateful that the blockage hasn't caused any major complications (just a blockage in his vision) and will be thankful when it is clear and not threatening any more harm.
I am also praying for my neighbors. When we came home after having such a great Christmas, we saw a lot of emergency crews in our neighborhood. Come to find out, someone's garage had been on fire. The news only said that they THINK it was contained to the garage and not the whole house and that they THINK there were no injuries. I pray that there truly were no injuries and that they did not lose any precious memories or anything that will cause them great emotional harm. I also pray that they have good enough insurance and that it doesn't cost them an arm and a leg.
Thank you again for reading my gibberish and for praying with and for us. We love you!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
AAAHHHHH... Fun... Life... Stuff....
So, it's been a little while since my last post, but it's been a lil hectic around here. This also means that I've not been wasting time I could be playing with Laura or hanging out with Michael, on the computer. So, let's dive in to our happenings....
For Thanksgiving, I had 4 days off to spend with my family. My husband also had 4 days off to spend with us. It was glorious!!
The week after, was fairly normal - work for us, school for Laura, same 'ol, same 'ol.
Then Michael and I both worked 24 hours of the 48 hour weekend at a Cheer competition for my work - a little crazy!! We both missed Laura so much & she missed us too, but she got to spend a day with her Aunt Kathy (which she loved & we heard about all week) and then she got to spend a day with her Auntie Sarah (which she also loved & we heard about all week). The fact that we heard about that all week, just made me feel so blessed to have people in our lives that love her (almost) as much as we do that she can hang out with & enjoy.
Last week, was fairly normal, other than being exhausted from working 12 days straight and none of them being short & sweet ;).
Michael is still enjoying UPS, but noticing that physical labor is extremely exhausting. It's been so nice that he actually comes to bed with me & sleeps instead of tossing & turning & then just getting up, because he's not tired enough to sleep. He had a boss tell him this week that they might be looking to hire in February or March & as long as he (a couple others) stay safe through the rest of the season, then he may be getting a call back. He also received an email from the USPS (that he applied for several months ago) that he is clear to go for a drug & background check, so we'll see where this leads. Unfortunately, he also received a letter from the TSA that due to our "foreclosure" he is ineligible for that position. Our credit report apparently can't tell the difference between Short Sale & Foreclosure, so that was a little bit of a bummer.
We are still in limbo with our house. We were so close to thinking we were going to get our date of when we needed to be out & then we found some paperwork that needed to be "re"filed, so that pushed everything back a little. We are enjoying the rent free part, but are a little uneasy about not having a plan.
Laura L O V E S school & her teachers! I am so blessed that I chose the right place for her to learn about Jesus' love and her ABC's. I love that when I ask her what she did today, she talks about Jesus or sings a song about Jesus - it's AWESOME!! This is making me even more sure that I'd like to put her into a Christian School, at least for the first few years of her Primary Education years. I want her to feel free to learn and discuss Jesus. I don't like the way it has become such a hush-hush in public school. Yesterday, she had a Christmas program with her school and she sang 2 songs. 1 was "Jingle Bell Rock" & she wore shades and rang a bell. The other was, "Go Tell It On The Mountain" and they had arm motions to show that "Jesus Christ is here" (That's the line she's practiced at home the most). This week, she'll have a party for Christmas where they'll have pizza, decorate cookies and have a book exchange. I'm so excited to be able to go with her and blessed that my work will let me go.
I am still enjoying YCOA, there is always something to keep me occupied and busy :) Friday was my deadline for having all non-necessities packed & ready to go for the move - EXCITING! I am having a personal struggle that I've been attempting to kind of keep quiet about (mostly because people usually don't want to hear about it), but I'd like a little help praying, so I'm going to throw (at least parts) out there. I am hormonally en-balanced. There is more to it than that, but I'll spare the details. I tried to fix it a little of it without even going to the doctor (since we don't have insurance), but that didn't work, so I called him and he has tried to fix it with just counseling me on the phone & calling in a prescription, but that doesn't seem to be working either. He said that if it didn't work, I would have to come in for some actual testing, which I am not looking forward to, so I'm going to give it a little bit longer. So, please just pray for my sanity (hormones are the driver for women's craziness) and for my issues to GO AWAY. Thank you!
There is something else that I've been kind of avoiding talking about. We have gone to the same church since shortly after we got married. We love the people that have been brought into our lives through there. We love the people that love our daughter that we met there. We love the pastor & his family and pray for them often as they go through some difficult personal times (she has been diagnosed with breast cancer & they have a newborn at home). I love that he has emailed me a couple times to check on us - I know that he thoroughly cares. BUT, we don't feel "at home" this church any more. For one, I can not find a place where I fit to serve, which is big for me for a couple reasons. I need to be needed (or at least wanted) and the hormones seem to only make this magnified. For two, I don't seem to understand the sermons any more. I love the pastor and I love his delivery, but there's too many words I don't understand and there's too many concepts that apparently I missed at some point previously and I just don't follow along. To make that worse, I have a lot on my mind so I tend to just zone out and not pay attention any more. I haven't wanted to say something about any of this to any one, because I feel like these are problems that I have and not problems that others brought on or whatever, so then it's not really their problem. But I don't know how to deal with them either. Now, we don't want to leave the church, but it seems like the right thing to do at this point. We haven't been in several weeks :( We have tried another church and like it overall. But, we don't really want to get overly attached to a new church and then have to do this all over again when we decide where it is we're moving (should it be too far to drive every week). We also don't want to get Laura attached to another set of people and the rip them away from her. I kind of prefer to keep her life as stable as possible, regardless of what's going on with us - she's a kid and shouldn't have to deal with some of the things that we do. So I am struggling very much. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be in limbo with something that is so important to the foundation of our family, but haven't felt particularly led in any one direction. So, I'm praying for this as well. A magical answer here, would be great :)
On a very much lighter note, I am looking forward to Christmas with Laura. She is so excited by all of it. She has been singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, for days and singing her songs from school and talking about decorations and looking at lights when we drive and wanting to know where our decorations are and talking about presents and..... and.... and.... All of that, makes me so excited for Christmas and getting to talk about the real meaning of Christmas as well as just enjoying family time and for her to open gifts.
Thank you for reading my gibberish. God bless you all.
For Thanksgiving, I had 4 days off to spend with my family. My husband also had 4 days off to spend with us. It was glorious!!
The week after, was fairly normal - work for us, school for Laura, same 'ol, same 'ol.
Then Michael and I both worked 24 hours of the 48 hour weekend at a Cheer competition for my work - a little crazy!! We both missed Laura so much & she missed us too, but she got to spend a day with her Aunt Kathy (which she loved & we heard about all week) and then she got to spend a day with her Auntie Sarah (which she also loved & we heard about all week). The fact that we heard about that all week, just made me feel so blessed to have people in our lives that love her (almost) as much as we do that she can hang out with & enjoy.
Last week, was fairly normal, other than being exhausted from working 12 days straight and none of them being short & sweet ;).
Michael is still enjoying UPS, but noticing that physical labor is extremely exhausting. It's been so nice that he actually comes to bed with me & sleeps instead of tossing & turning & then just getting up, because he's not tired enough to sleep. He had a boss tell him this week that they might be looking to hire in February or March & as long as he (a couple others) stay safe through the rest of the season, then he may be getting a call back. He also received an email from the USPS (that he applied for several months ago) that he is clear to go for a drug & background check, so we'll see where this leads. Unfortunately, he also received a letter from the TSA that due to our "foreclosure" he is ineligible for that position. Our credit report apparently can't tell the difference between Short Sale & Foreclosure, so that was a little bit of a bummer.
We are still in limbo with our house. We were so close to thinking we were going to get our date of when we needed to be out & then we found some paperwork that needed to be "re"filed, so that pushed everything back a little. We are enjoying the rent free part, but are a little uneasy about not having a plan.
Laura L O V E S school & her teachers! I am so blessed that I chose the right place for her to learn about Jesus' love and her ABC's. I love that when I ask her what she did today, she talks about Jesus or sings a song about Jesus - it's AWESOME!! This is making me even more sure that I'd like to put her into a Christian School, at least for the first few years of her Primary Education years. I want her to feel free to learn and discuss Jesus. I don't like the way it has become such a hush-hush in public school. Yesterday, she had a Christmas program with her school and she sang 2 songs. 1 was "Jingle Bell Rock" & she wore shades and rang a bell. The other was, "Go Tell It On The Mountain" and they had arm motions to show that "Jesus Christ is here" (That's the line she's practiced at home the most). This week, she'll have a party for Christmas where they'll have pizza, decorate cookies and have a book exchange. I'm so excited to be able to go with her and blessed that my work will let me go.
I am still enjoying YCOA, there is always something to keep me occupied and busy :) Friday was my deadline for having all non-necessities packed & ready to go for the move - EXCITING! I am having a personal struggle that I've been attempting to kind of keep quiet about (mostly because people usually don't want to hear about it), but I'd like a little help praying, so I'm going to throw (at least parts) out there. I am hormonally en-balanced. There is more to it than that, but I'll spare the details. I tried to fix it a little of it without even going to the doctor (since we don't have insurance), but that didn't work, so I called him and he has tried to fix it with just counseling me on the phone & calling in a prescription, but that doesn't seem to be working either. He said that if it didn't work, I would have to come in for some actual testing, which I am not looking forward to, so I'm going to give it a little bit longer. So, please just pray for my sanity (hormones are the driver for women's craziness) and for my issues to GO AWAY. Thank you!
There is something else that I've been kind of avoiding talking about. We have gone to the same church since shortly after we got married. We love the people that have been brought into our lives through there. We love the people that love our daughter that we met there. We love the pastor & his family and pray for them often as they go through some difficult personal times (she has been diagnosed with breast cancer & they have a newborn at home). I love that he has emailed me a couple times to check on us - I know that he thoroughly cares. BUT, we don't feel "at home" this church any more. For one, I can not find a place where I fit to serve, which is big for me for a couple reasons. I need to be needed (or at least wanted) and the hormones seem to only make this magnified. For two, I don't seem to understand the sermons any more. I love the pastor and I love his delivery, but there's too many words I don't understand and there's too many concepts that apparently I missed at some point previously and I just don't follow along. To make that worse, I have a lot on my mind so I tend to just zone out and not pay attention any more. I haven't wanted to say something about any of this to any one, because I feel like these are problems that I have and not problems that others brought on or whatever, so then it's not really their problem. But I don't know how to deal with them either. Now, we don't want to leave the church, but it seems like the right thing to do at this point. We haven't been in several weeks :( We have tried another church and like it overall. But, we don't really want to get overly attached to a new church and then have to do this all over again when we decide where it is we're moving (should it be too far to drive every week). We also don't want to get Laura attached to another set of people and the rip them away from her. I kind of prefer to keep her life as stable as possible, regardless of what's going on with us - she's a kid and shouldn't have to deal with some of the things that we do. So I am struggling very much. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be in limbo with something that is so important to the foundation of our family, but haven't felt particularly led in any one direction. So, I'm praying for this as well. A magical answer here, would be great :)
On a very much lighter note, I am looking forward to Christmas with Laura. She is so excited by all of it. She has been singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, for days and singing her songs from school and talking about decorations and looking at lights when we drive and wanting to know where our decorations are and talking about presents and..... and.... and.... All of that, makes me so excited for Christmas and getting to talk about the real meaning of Christmas as well as just enjoying family time and for her to open gifts.
Thank you for reading my gibberish. God bless you all.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
'tis the Season
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope that everyone takes a minute today to remember all of the things they are thankful for... I know my list is abundant!
Now that it is officially time to start shopping the ads for Black Friday and I know that some of my family and friends are crazy enough to go out amongst the mobs, it's time to start compiling Laura's Wish List. So far these are things that I know:
*Clothes - size 3T
*Shoes - size 7
*Panties - size 3T
*Jackets/Sweaters - size 3T-4T
*Fisher Price Camera
*Babies and their accessories
*Pillow Pets and baby Pillow Pets
*Pens, Pencils, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Paints
*Coloring Books, Paper
*Little People (Fisher Price toy)
She of course does not NEED any & definitely not all of that, but this is just a list of ideas of things that she likes and uses :)
In the spirit of Michael and I's "downsizing", we are not in NEED of anything. We are finding so many things that at one time or another were "must-haves" and yet we haven't used them or whatever in years. We are having a lot of fun going through old things & remembering why we thought we needed it and deciding that we no longer do. It's been fun going through memories and all of that.
My "nother" dad went home this week so that he could enjoy Thanksgiving with the family! But, this morning he went back to the hospital due to not being "all better" as we had hoped. I'm sure that everything will be find & he'll be back in no time. But, please keep praying.
Michael has thoroughly enjoyed his 3 days at UPS this week. And is very excited by his 4 day weekend - I think it's awesome! I'm so happy for him that he has enjoyed this job so much. He also seems to be doing very well, so who knows, maybe they'll find a loophole to the rules & a need for keeping him. Either way, we're thankful for this opportunity & thankful for the experiences it is bringing.
I am counting down the days to our new office location & my very own office!!! Trying to accomplish work in what seems like grand central station, is not as easy as one might think.
Now, to get ready to go to the home of the best in-laws ever and eat WWWAAAYYY too much food! It will be ssssooooo yummy though! :) I hope that everyone has a great day with their families!
Now that it is officially time to start shopping the ads for Black Friday and I know that some of my family and friends are crazy enough to go out amongst the mobs, it's time to start compiling Laura's Wish List. So far these are things that I know:
*Clothes - size 3T
*Shoes - size 7
*Panties - size 3T
*Jackets/Sweaters - size 3T-4T
*Fisher Price Camera
*Babies and their accessories
*Pillow Pets and baby Pillow Pets
*Pens, Pencils, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Paints
*Coloring Books, Paper
*Little People (Fisher Price toy)
She of course does not NEED any & definitely not all of that, but this is just a list of ideas of things that she likes and uses :)
In the spirit of Michael and I's "downsizing", we are not in NEED of anything. We are finding so many things that at one time or another were "must-haves" and yet we haven't used them or whatever in years. We are having a lot of fun going through old things & remembering why we thought we needed it and deciding that we no longer do. It's been fun going through memories and all of that.
My "nother" dad went home this week so that he could enjoy Thanksgiving with the family! But, this morning he went back to the hospital due to not being "all better" as we had hoped. I'm sure that everything will be find & he'll be back in no time. But, please keep praying.
Michael has thoroughly enjoyed his 3 days at UPS this week. And is very excited by his 4 day weekend - I think it's awesome! I'm so happy for him that he has enjoyed this job so much. He also seems to be doing very well, so who knows, maybe they'll find a loophole to the rules & a need for keeping him. Either way, we're thankful for this opportunity & thankful for the experiences it is bringing.
I am counting down the days to our new office location & my very own office!!! Trying to accomplish work in what seems like grand central station, is not as easy as one might think.
Now, to get ready to go to the home of the best in-laws ever and eat WWWAAAYYY too much food! It will be ssssooooo yummy though! :) I hope that everyone has a great day with their families!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The final countdown
Happy almost Thanksgiving!
Laura completed week #3 of school - she still loves it! I love that when I pick her up and she starts telling me what she learned that day, it always included Jesus' love! At school, this upcoming week, she will have a Thanksgiving "feast", so I get to have lunch and hang out with her for a little bit. She is also preparing for her 1st Christmas program. It will be on Saturday, 12/10 at 3:30 p.m. at the Scottsdale Worship Center (6508 E. Cactus Rd.). Let us know if you'd like to join us :). Laura got her 1st "injury" this week :( She tripped and smacked her nose & mouth on the side of a chair (at home). She was totally fine, but she's never had a bloody nose before or a bloody lip, so it broke my heart. She was such a trooper though!!
Michael finally got to go in to work on Thursday & Friday!! He ran a route and it makes him so happy! YAY!
I am so thankful for my job every day. We are counting down to our big move. I'm so excited to have my own office, where I can accomplish so much more without interruption! I am thankful for my family and all my friends as well. They have all shown me so much love and I look forward to many more opportunities to show them the same.
One of my "nother" dads fell this week and gave us a bit of a scare. He is ok and they are just monitoring him at this point, but he should be home for the holidays! PTL.
My older brother and his family have had all sorts of "fun" in the last few weeks. I am so thankful that they have begun to trust in the Lord to keep them going. His father in law had heart surgery, their worship leader & their pastor both had heart surgery, my sister-in-law had a hysterectomy, and my brother got notice that his place of work is closing 11/30 and he will be out of a job. He is starting to search now, so he is thankful for that chance.
We got the news that if our short sale doesn't go through by 2/1/12, our house will be up for auction. We also got the news that the mortgage company approved our sale price, so now we are just waiting to hear from the buyer as to how long he's going to give us to move out. We will be having another "everything must go" sale this weekend, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7am-noon. Black Friday did really well for us a couple years ago, so we're hoping for the same experience this weekend! Then the fun should begin!
Thank you for your thoughts & prayers as we go through this giant transition.
Laura completed week #3 of school - she still loves it! I love that when I pick her up and she starts telling me what she learned that day, it always included Jesus' love! At school, this upcoming week, she will have a Thanksgiving "feast", so I get to have lunch and hang out with her for a little bit. She is also preparing for her 1st Christmas program. It will be on Saturday, 12/10 at 3:30 p.m. at the Scottsdale Worship Center (6508 E. Cactus Rd.). Let us know if you'd like to join us :). Laura got her 1st "injury" this week :( She tripped and smacked her nose & mouth on the side of a chair (at home). She was totally fine, but she's never had a bloody nose before or a bloody lip, so it broke my heart. She was such a trooper though!!
Michael finally got to go in to work on Thursday & Friday!! He ran a route and it makes him so happy! YAY!
I am so thankful for my job every day. We are counting down to our big move. I'm so excited to have my own office, where I can accomplish so much more without interruption! I am thankful for my family and all my friends as well. They have all shown me so much love and I look forward to many more opportunities to show them the same.
One of my "nother" dads fell this week and gave us a bit of a scare. He is ok and they are just monitoring him at this point, but he should be home for the holidays! PTL.
My older brother and his family have had all sorts of "fun" in the last few weeks. I am so thankful that they have begun to trust in the Lord to keep them going. His father in law had heart surgery, their worship leader & their pastor both had heart surgery, my sister-in-law had a hysterectomy, and my brother got notice that his place of work is closing 11/30 and he will be out of a job. He is starting to search now, so he is thankful for that chance.
We got the news that if our short sale doesn't go through by 2/1/12, our house will be up for auction. We also got the news that the mortgage company approved our sale price, so now we are just waiting to hear from the buyer as to how long he's going to give us to move out. We will be having another "everything must go" sale this weekend, Friday, Saturday & Sunday 7am-noon. Black Friday did really well for us a couple years ago, so we're hoping for the same experience this weekend! Then the fun should begin!
Thank you for your thoughts & prayers as we go through this giant transition.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Woop Woop
Yet another wonderful week.
I've come to realize that even though I love my full glass, I tend to skip over the sad or bad things that happen... So we're going to start with that....
Last Monday, 10/31, one of my "grandmas" passed away. Mary Elizabeth Foutz raised 2 wonderful boys and had 3 grandchildren, plus a ton of people that love her. She will be very dearly missed by many. Her funeral was Friday, 11/4, out doors and it was just lovely. Her family had a chance to talk & mingle & share wonderful memories of the great woman that she was.
Now on to more "fun" things.....
Laura completed week #2 of going to school and she is just so excited to go every day and see her new friends and play and learn. It makes me happy to know that I picked a place that she enjoys going.
Michael had his first week of vacation LOL. UPS did all that rush training and then let him have a week off. They said that they would call early next week, so hopefully he will be back at work soon.
I didn't do anything super exciting this week.
We had our yard sale on Friday & Saturday and we did pretty well. We are excited to see things going to homes where they will be loved or used and knowing that we will have that much less to pack & move. We wanted to have a close out day on Sunday, but it rained off & on - it was so beautiful out!! This was a great weekend to have a sale. We are planning to do another one on Black Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because that proved profitable once before :). Since we don't know where we are moving to yet and we just plain have to much "stuff" anyways, we've decided to get rid of almost everything that isn't a NECESSITY. We know that it doesn't seem to make sense to pretty much anyone else, but it makes sense to the 2 of us. This is something that we have talked about, discussed, pondered for a long time, so it's not a whim or just a silly idea. So, please be positive, we know what we're doing.
We had "Thanksgiving" with my dad's family today. It was so yummy! As much as I love the food though, I always manage to eat too much. Dad and Tammy will be in Montana for Thanksgiving, enjoying the snow & checking in on the status of their new house. I'm so excited for them and can't wait to go visit between Thanksgiving & Christmas so that we can have a "white Christmas".
This week, Laura has school, Michael should hear from UPS, I have work and who knows what other fun adventures may come our way :)
We hope that everyone has a blessed week and we look forward to having one ourselves :)
I've come to realize that even though I love my full glass, I tend to skip over the sad or bad things that happen... So we're going to start with that....
Last Monday, 10/31, one of my "grandmas" passed away. Mary Elizabeth Foutz raised 2 wonderful boys and had 3 grandchildren, plus a ton of people that love her. She will be very dearly missed by many. Her funeral was Friday, 11/4, out doors and it was just lovely. Her family had a chance to talk & mingle & share wonderful memories of the great woman that she was.
Now on to more "fun" things.....
Laura completed week #2 of going to school and she is just so excited to go every day and see her new friends and play and learn. It makes me happy to know that I picked a place that she enjoys going.
Michael had his first week of vacation LOL. UPS did all that rush training and then let him have a week off. They said that they would call early next week, so hopefully he will be back at work soon.
I didn't do anything super exciting this week.
We had our yard sale on Friday & Saturday and we did pretty well. We are excited to see things going to homes where they will be loved or used and knowing that we will have that much less to pack & move. We wanted to have a close out day on Sunday, but it rained off & on - it was so beautiful out!! This was a great weekend to have a sale. We are planning to do another one on Black Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because that proved profitable once before :). Since we don't know where we are moving to yet and we just plain have to much "stuff" anyways, we've decided to get rid of almost everything that isn't a NECESSITY. We know that it doesn't seem to make sense to pretty much anyone else, but it makes sense to the 2 of us. This is something that we have talked about, discussed, pondered for a long time, so it's not a whim or just a silly idea. So, please be positive, we know what we're doing.
We had "Thanksgiving" with my dad's family today. It was so yummy! As much as I love the food though, I always manage to eat too much. Dad and Tammy will be in Montana for Thanksgiving, enjoying the snow & checking in on the status of their new house. I'm so excited for them and can't wait to go visit between Thanksgiving & Christmas so that we can have a "white Christmas".
This week, Laura has school, Michael should hear from UPS, I have work and who knows what other fun adventures may come our way :)
We hope that everyone has a blessed week and we look forward to having one ourselves :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A week in the life.....
Well, hello again!
It has been one full week without facebook - aaaahhhhh, so peaceful! I miss seeing some of the pictures and hope that I haven't missed anything relevant or horribly important, but it's been so nice to not feel tied to the computer.
I still have my smartphone, but that will be gone within the next week or so. It has been kinda handy to still have internet, but at the same time, I don't feel a need for it without facebook.
In the last week, Michael completed a week of training with UPS for his seasonal job. From the outside looking in, they sure put A LOT of work and money into people they're going to ditch in 2 months.... I would think there should be a more cost effective way to make this happen. Either way, I hope that he likes it & does well at it, because they said they will be looking to do "call backs" in a few months. It seems to have really helped to put a 'lil pep in his step to have something to do during the day & to be "contributing". That's the part that makes me happy :)
Laura went to Pre School for her first 2 days ever. She absolutely loved it! On Tuesday, they discussed forgiveness and they let her bring home her craft, even though everyone else had theirs hanging on the wall. On Thursday, they called me to tell me that her tummy hurt. It turned out to be nothing, but it still made me sad that I was not with her when she didn't feel good. She has already told me that she's excited to go back this week!! There are not words for how blessed I feel with this little girl. She is so wonderful! On the first day, she took off to play with someone before hugging or kissing me, which made me sad, but at the same time, let me know that she would be just fine. On the second day, we stopped outside the classroom for the hug & kiss part so that she couldn't run without one :) Everyone at the school asks how many times she's been left with strangers like that, because they figure she must have been in order to be that well adjusted. I tell them no, it's just God's way of telling me that this will be ok, even though it wasn't what I had planned for her.
I had another week of working at a company that blesses me abundantly. First, they gave me an opportunity to make money in the first place & when Michael's income went away, they allowed me to be full time so that I could help fill the gap. Then, we were surprised on Monday with a half day, a great lunch, a tour of the new building we'll be moving to and a bonus, just to tell us thanks for the work we do. The new office is gorgeous & I can't wait until it's finished. I will have my own office, which is something that I have very much needed, but we just don't fit where we are currently located. The new office is a little bit further from home, but it is totally worth it!
We are still prepping for our Short Sale to conclude - whenever that may be. We don't yet know where we are going, but we know that we are going much more simple. We just plain have too much STUFF.
We will be having a HUGE yard sale this weekend, November 11, 12 & 13 from 6am-noon (or however long the buyers keep coming). This will be a big step in helping us to get where we need to be as far as packing and purging. If you have anything that you'd like to bring by or would like to hang out, welcome all. Tell your friends and of course, feel free to shop, shop and shop some more in order to help us ditch a few unneeded things around here. There will be baby stuff, clothes (adult & 'lil girl), kitchen table & 4 chairs, couch, loveseat, rocker/recliner, books (for adults & kids), toys, Christmas decorations, Avon products, knick knacks, tools, cabinets, patio table, 60" projection tv, dvd players and more......
I hope that everyone has a great week!
It has been one full week without facebook - aaaahhhhh, so peaceful! I miss seeing some of the pictures and hope that I haven't missed anything relevant or horribly important, but it's been so nice to not feel tied to the computer.
I still have my smartphone, but that will be gone within the next week or so. It has been kinda handy to still have internet, but at the same time, I don't feel a need for it without facebook.
In the last week, Michael completed a week of training with UPS for his seasonal job. From the outside looking in, they sure put A LOT of work and money into people they're going to ditch in 2 months.... I would think there should be a more cost effective way to make this happen. Either way, I hope that he likes it & does well at it, because they said they will be looking to do "call backs" in a few months. It seems to have really helped to put a 'lil pep in his step to have something to do during the day & to be "contributing". That's the part that makes me happy :)
Laura went to Pre School for her first 2 days ever. She absolutely loved it! On Tuesday, they discussed forgiveness and they let her bring home her craft, even though everyone else had theirs hanging on the wall. On Thursday, they called me to tell me that her tummy hurt. It turned out to be nothing, but it still made me sad that I was not with her when she didn't feel good. She has already told me that she's excited to go back this week!! There are not words for how blessed I feel with this little girl. She is so wonderful! On the first day, she took off to play with someone before hugging or kissing me, which made me sad, but at the same time, let me know that she would be just fine. On the second day, we stopped outside the classroom for the hug & kiss part so that she couldn't run without one :) Everyone at the school asks how many times she's been left with strangers like that, because they figure she must have been in order to be that well adjusted. I tell them no, it's just God's way of telling me that this will be ok, even though it wasn't what I had planned for her.
I had another week of working at a company that blesses me abundantly. First, they gave me an opportunity to make money in the first place & when Michael's income went away, they allowed me to be full time so that I could help fill the gap. Then, we were surprised on Monday with a half day, a great lunch, a tour of the new building we'll be moving to and a bonus, just to tell us thanks for the work we do. The new office is gorgeous & I can't wait until it's finished. I will have my own office, which is something that I have very much needed, but we just don't fit where we are currently located. The new office is a little bit further from home, but it is totally worth it!
We are still prepping for our Short Sale to conclude - whenever that may be. We don't yet know where we are going, but we know that we are going much more simple. We just plain have too much STUFF.
We will be having a HUGE yard sale this weekend, November 11, 12 & 13 from 6am-noon (or however long the buyers keep coming). This will be a big step in helping us to get where we need to be as far as packing and purging. If you have anything that you'd like to bring by or would like to hang out, welcome all. Tell your friends and of course, feel free to shop, shop and shop some more in order to help us ditch a few unneeded things around here. There will be baby stuff, clothes (adult & 'lil girl), kitchen table & 4 chairs, couch, loveseat, rocker/recliner, books (for adults & kids), toys, Christmas decorations, Avon products, knick knacks, tools, cabinets, patio table, 60" projection tv, dvd players and more......
I hope that everyone has a great week!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Lately, I've been doing lots of thinking. I have decided to make some positive changes in my life.
One of the first is, that I deleted my Facebook account. I have found myself spending far too much time checking Facebook. The worst part.... I'm not checking in to see what my friends are up to or making sure everyone is doing well.... I'm checking on MY statuses, MY photos, comments on MY life..... Well, not only should I not care this much of what others think of me, but I shouldn't let anything take up that much time of my life.
The next is, I am trading in my "smart" phone, for a "less smart" phone. I find myself checking my phone constantly and being thoroughly wrapped up in texts, emails, facebook, etc. This is a small step :) I am not ditching the text messaging - I couldn't live without that. But, all of the internet is going away.
I've already changed that the time that I spend with my family, isn't sitting on the couch, but doing something where we get to enjoy each other's company. This may include running errands, or a trip to the zoo, or a day trip, or who knows what or where our day will bring us. My husband worked so many hours before, that his new-found abundance of time at home, is AWESOME. I love having him around for our daughter to get to bond with him and for me to get to love on. Now, don't get me wrong, in a perfect world, he'll work & get to spend time with us :) But, after missing out on so much time with him and having to plan so many things around his crazy work schedule, this is very nice.
My goal will be to get on here once each week to give a brief update and possibly post pictures. If something spectacularly awesome comes up, then I just might get on here more than once, but who knows. If anyone ever has something to share with me, feel free to call me or email me :)
So... The first updates....
Michael will be starting work at UPS on Monday. YAY for employment. That will be good all around :)
Laura will be starting at daycare. I'm a little sad about this, but I have found a Christian Pre School that will teach her about Jesus' love while teaching her the normal, letters, numbers, colors, etc. I'm kinda stoked that she'll be getting some structured learning in :)
That's really all for now.
Be sure to smell the roses :)
One of the first is, that I deleted my Facebook account. I have found myself spending far too much time checking Facebook. The worst part.... I'm not checking in to see what my friends are up to or making sure everyone is doing well.... I'm checking on MY statuses, MY photos, comments on MY life..... Well, not only should I not care this much of what others think of me, but I shouldn't let anything take up that much time of my life.
The next is, I am trading in my "smart" phone, for a "less smart" phone. I find myself checking my phone constantly and being thoroughly wrapped up in texts, emails, facebook, etc. This is a small step :) I am not ditching the text messaging - I couldn't live without that. But, all of the internet is going away.
I've already changed that the time that I spend with my family, isn't sitting on the couch, but doing something where we get to enjoy each other's company. This may include running errands, or a trip to the zoo, or a day trip, or who knows what or where our day will bring us. My husband worked so many hours before, that his new-found abundance of time at home, is AWESOME. I love having him around for our daughter to get to bond with him and for me to get to love on. Now, don't get me wrong, in a perfect world, he'll work & get to spend time with us :) But, after missing out on so much time with him and having to plan so many things around his crazy work schedule, this is very nice.
My goal will be to get on here once each week to give a brief update and possibly post pictures. If something spectacularly awesome comes up, then I just might get on here more than once, but who knows. If anyone ever has something to share with me, feel free to call me or email me :)
So... The first updates....
Michael will be starting work at UPS on Monday. YAY for employment. That will be good all around :)
Laura will be starting at daycare. I'm a little sad about this, but I have found a Christian Pre School that will teach her about Jesus' love while teaching her the normal, letters, numbers, colors, etc. I'm kinda stoked that she'll be getting some structured learning in :)
That's really all for now.
Be sure to smell the roses :)
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