So, it's been a little while since my last post, but it's been a lil hectic around here. This also means that I've not been wasting time I could be playing with Laura or hanging out with Michael, on the computer. So, let's dive in to our happenings....
For Thanksgiving, I had 4 days off to spend with my family. My husband also had 4 days off to spend with us. It was glorious!!
The week after, was fairly normal - work for us, school for Laura, same 'ol, same 'ol.
Then Michael and I both worked 24 hours of the 48 hour weekend at a Cheer competition for my work - a little crazy!! We both missed Laura so much & she missed us too, but she got to spend a day with her Aunt Kathy (which she loved & we heard about all week) and then she got to spend a day with her Auntie Sarah (which she also loved & we heard about all week). The fact that we heard about that all week, just made me feel so blessed to have people in our lives that love her (almost) as much as we do that she can hang out with & enjoy.
Last week, was fairly normal, other than being exhausted from working 12 days straight and none of them being short & sweet ;).
Michael is still enjoying UPS, but noticing that physical labor is extremely exhausting. It's been so nice that he actually comes to bed with me & sleeps instead of tossing & turning & then just getting up, because he's not tired enough to sleep. He had a boss tell him this week that they might be looking to hire in February or March & as long as he (a couple others) stay safe through the rest of the season, then he may be getting a call back. He also received an email from the USPS (that he applied for several months ago) that he is clear to go for a drug & background check, so we'll see where this leads. Unfortunately, he also received a letter from the TSA that due to our "foreclosure" he is ineligible for that position. Our credit report apparently can't tell the difference between Short Sale & Foreclosure, so that was a little bit of a bummer.
We are still in limbo with our house. We were so close to thinking we were going to get our date of when we needed to be out & then we found some paperwork that needed to be "re"filed, so that pushed everything back a little. We are enjoying the rent free part, but are a little uneasy about not having a plan.
Laura L O V E S school & her teachers! I am so blessed that I chose the right place for her to learn about Jesus' love and her ABC's. I love that when I ask her what she did today, she talks about Jesus or sings a song about Jesus - it's AWESOME!! This is making me even more sure that I'd like to put her into a Christian School, at least for the first few years of her Primary Education years. I want her to feel free to learn and discuss Jesus. I don't like the way it has become such a hush-hush in public school. Yesterday, she had a Christmas program with her school and she sang 2 songs. 1 was "Jingle Bell Rock" & she wore shades and rang a bell. The other was, "Go Tell It On The Mountain" and they had arm motions to show that "Jesus Christ is here" (That's the line she's practiced at home the most). This week, she'll have a party for Christmas where they'll have pizza, decorate cookies and have a book exchange. I'm so excited to be able to go with her and blessed that my work will let me go.
I am still enjoying YCOA, there is always something to keep me occupied and busy :) Friday was my deadline for having all non-necessities packed & ready to go for the move - EXCITING! I am having a personal struggle that I've been attempting to kind of keep quiet about (mostly because people usually don't want to hear about it), but I'd like a little help praying, so I'm going to throw (at least parts) out there. I am hormonally en-balanced. There is more to it than that, but I'll spare the details. I tried to fix it a little of it without even going to the doctor (since we don't have insurance), but that didn't work, so I called him and he has tried to fix it with just counseling me on the phone & calling in a prescription, but that doesn't seem to be working either. He said that if it didn't work, I would have to come in for some actual testing, which I am not looking forward to, so I'm going to give it a little bit longer. So, please just pray for my sanity (hormones are the driver for women's craziness) and for my issues to GO AWAY. Thank you!
There is something else that I've been kind of avoiding talking about. We have gone to the same church since shortly after we got married. We love the people that have been brought into our lives through there. We love the people that love our daughter that we met there. We love the pastor & his family and pray for them often as they go through some difficult personal times (she has been diagnosed with breast cancer & they have a newborn at home). I love that he has emailed me a couple times to check on us - I know that he thoroughly cares. BUT, we don't feel "at home" this church any more. For one, I can not find a place where I fit to serve, which is big for me for a couple reasons. I need to be needed (or at least wanted) and the hormones seem to only make this magnified. For two, I don't seem to understand the sermons any more. I love the pastor and I love his delivery, but there's too many words I don't understand and there's too many concepts that apparently I missed at some point previously and I just don't follow along. To make that worse, I have a lot on my mind so I tend to just zone out and not pay attention any more. I haven't wanted to say something about any of this to any one, because I feel like these are problems that I have and not problems that others brought on or whatever, so then it's not really their problem. But I don't know how to deal with them either. Now, we don't want to leave the church, but it seems like the right thing to do at this point. We haven't been in several weeks :( We have tried another church and like it overall. But, we don't really want to get overly attached to a new church and then have to do this all over again when we decide where it is we're moving (should it be too far to drive every week). We also don't want to get Laura attached to another set of people and the rip them away from her. I kind of prefer to keep her life as stable as possible, regardless of what's going on with us - she's a kid and shouldn't have to deal with some of the things that we do. So I am struggling very much. I don't know what to do. I don't want to be in limbo with something that is so important to the foundation of our family, but haven't felt particularly led in any one direction. So, I'm praying for this as well. A magical answer here, would be great :)
On a very much lighter note, I am looking forward to Christmas with Laura. She is so excited by all of it. She has been singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, for days and singing her songs from school and talking about decorations and looking at lights when we drive and wanting to know where our decorations are and talking about presents and..... and.... and.... All of that, makes me so excited for Christmas and getting to talk about the real meaning of Christmas as well as just enjoying family time and for her to open gifts.
Thank you for reading my gibberish. God bless you all.
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