Hello! Happy Birthday Jesus (yesterday)! Let's see... Where to begin???? Again, a busy couple of weeks....
Laura is the best! I enjoyed her Christmas Party at school. I have loved preparing her for my favorite holiday of the year. Leading up to Christmas, we talked so much about the baby Jesus and how much He loves her and we talked about the nativity - we have a grown up one next to our tree & she has a kid one next to ours. She loves asking who each of the people is and telling us that "Jesus Christ is born". Last year she even got a book that talks about the scene in a way that's understandable for a 2 year old that we have read a couple times. I can't believe that she is just 74 days away from being 3 years old!!! She's growing up so fast and proves it every day in the things she says & does. I would like to find the pause button so that I can just keep her a little longer :) I am so grateful for every moment I have for her, but I would still like a million more! I just love her to pieces.
Michael is done at UPS for the season, but we are hoping to hear back from them in February or March. But, Cigna called and did a phone interview with him, and the USPS is having him in for a driving assessment. I can't wait to see what pans out for him and to see what path God leads him down.
I am so excited for my YCOA move this week!!!! I have never had my own office & I ssssoooo need one in order to effectively get more work done. I am still having female problems. I went in to see the doctor and he checked a few things & ruled them out, but in the spirit of trying not to run me bankrupt (since I don't have insurance and am paying cash), he didn't run all of the tests that he could have. He did write me a new prescription and gave me 10 days for it to work. If it doesn't work in that time, he said that we'll need to start doing more tests & more things that will cost more money :( Not only for the money thing, but also just because I would like for this to stop, I really hope that the meds work. I am continuing to pray for this and hoping that God's plan is for some sanity to kick in :) I am still struggling with my church decision, but praying for a lead in one direction or another and knowing that God is in control. We are still making sure to tell Laura how awesome God is and how great His love is for us and teaching her as much as we can - one more reason we're so thankful for her school.
Our house situation is in a new form of limbo..... Our buyer backed out after they did their final inspection. Our awesome realtor told another investor about our house though & he came & checked it out and made us a new offer on the same day that the other buyer backed out. We have resubmitted the paperwork and are waitting for the bank to do its thing. Again. Our house is scheduled for auction in February, if we don't complete a short sale before then. I have faith in God that he has a path in mind for us. Now, we just need to find the GPS that will lead us to the right path :)
Before I start with our weekend festivities, let me state that JESUS is the ONLY "reason" we have CHRISTmas. That's really all there is to it. On Christmas Eve, we had dinner with my dad, Tammy, Mikey, B, Noah, Micah & my grandparents. It was very nice. On the morning that we have been waitting so patiently for, I opened Laura's door & she came running out to see a pile of presents under the tree and screams "a bird, Santa brought me a bird" - talking about a large stuffed bird that was brought to her and too big to wrap. She could care less about the new bike that I have been dying to give her.... It took her about 20 minutes before she even noticed it, let alone was excited about it - HAHAHAHA. After a bit, my mom, Jess, Mikey, B, Noah, Micah and Angie came over to have breakfast and open more presents. Laura loved it!! From there, we went to the greatest in-laws' ever to have dinner and visit and open more gifts. Laura loves getting to see all her cousins, aunts & uncles and grandparents. She got to hang out with grandparents Kenan, Aunt Pat, Aunt Kathy, Cousins Kristen & Eric, Aunt Beth, Uncle David, Cousins Alyssa & Annie, Uncle Pat, Aunt Carmel and Cousin Aiden. She has hit the family jackpot!!! She also got so many gifts that she loves so much! Then we stopped by Ama & Papa's house (Mikalyn's grandparents) to see them & Anty M, Uncle Sean & Mimi. That was very nice - great people that I don't get to see nearly often enough :( Today, we went to a movie. I was wrong about whether or not she'd like it, but she did pretty good until she took a nap :) Then we had Anty M, Uncle Sean, Mimi, Anty Sarah, Uncle Justin, Meerissa and Bubba over for pizza, dessert and gifts - I just love having all these kids together to play. Laura is just so blessed by all of the people in her life.
For this week, we have something weighing heavy on our hearts. Please help us pray for Michael's dad. He is having surgery on Tuesday to clear the blockage in his caratoid artery. We praying for the doctors to feel God's hands performing the surgery and for Larry to have many more HEALTHY years with us. We are grateful that the blockage hasn't caused any major complications (just a blockage in his vision) and will be thankful when it is clear and not threatening any more harm.
I am also praying for my neighbors. When we came home after having such a great Christmas, we saw a lot of emergency crews in our neighborhood. Come to find out, someone's garage had been on fire. The news only said that they THINK it was contained to the garage and not the whole house and that they THINK there were no injuries. I pray that there truly were no injuries and that they did not lose any precious memories or anything that will cause them great emotional harm. I also pray that they have good enough insurance and that it doesn't cost them an arm and a leg.
Thank you again for reading my gibberish and for praying with and for us. We love you!
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